I've been trying to think of ideas I could use for this first assignment of an 'Interpretive Self Portrait'. So far on my course I've found using photoshop extremely enjoyable so I've been thinking of ideas that could incorporate the new skills I've learnt and allow me to be creative at the same time.
I purchased the sketchbook and started jotting down a few ideas, pictures of which are bellow.
I had also initially brainstormed 'Myself' and things I associate with myself, from characteristics to interests to perceptions of myself, again, a picture of which is posted below.

Whilst thinking of ideas for another unit project I was storyboarding which gave me another idea which then semi-incorporated 'Film and video' into my project in which I would film a sequence of sorts and then take screen grabs throughout and place them into a blank storyboard to represent how sometimes events in my life seem somewhat surreal and as if I were in the midst of a film.
What with all of these idea's bursting into my mind I've realised that one single image will not be enough to portray my self portrait therefore I've decided for the moment on creating a collage full of pictures that have been doctored on photoshop, this however is still open to change but for the time being it seems to be the best way forward for myself.
I purchased the sketchbook and started jotting down a few ideas, pictures of which are bellow.
Whilst thinking of ideas for another unit project I was storyboarding which gave me another idea which then semi-incorporated 'Film and video' into my project in which I would film a sequence of sorts and then take screen grabs throughout and place them into a blank storyboard to represent how sometimes events in my life seem somewhat surreal and as if I were in the midst of a film.
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