I had previously posted about a possible image where by I would use a self-portrait style photograph of myself and then blank out all my facial features and replace the face with several differnt images of my own mouth producing different emotional expression.
However after playing around with the idea on Photoshop I found that the desired effect I had pictured in my head was not possible with my level of skill in photoshop at this time, I also found myself, whilst thinking of the reasons against this idea, formulating another idea.
I found the colouring and the shading on this image would be very difficult to achieve and I was not sure how to do it, however, the thought of shades brought this chain of ideas into my head..
Colour->Shades->Light/Dark->Good/Bad parts of me->Personal pro's and con's->2 Sides, good side and bad side.
This string of ideas gave me an idea to in one image show both sides of me, I then thought about how this could be done using different multimedia which is when I thought of doing an animation formed out of still images of a self-portrait style photo of my head turning from left to right with the detail in the image going from the lighter, good side of me through to the darker not so good side.
I then thought about this idea of one side vs the other side, the word 'Versus' stimulated me to think about my nights events which would be a Boxercise fitness class, I then had this idea pictured in my head
This would basically show an animation of me boxing into the camera and as you look at the boxing gloves they have my face imprinted on, one glove having a happy expression, one a angry one and me in the middle boxing looking neutral.
This idea seems to be the one I'm most serious about so far, whether or not I will make it an animation is another idea, the feasibility of which is yet to be
The inspiration for the boxing idea came from the album cover for the band 'The Prodigy' and a vague recollection of the album cove for 'Music for a jiltered generation' which showed this
I liked the way it showed a face pertruding out of a material and thought it would be a good way to show my face coming out of the boxing glove, probably using the embossing feature and changing the colours to match that of the gloves.
Peter - loving your process to date. Linking with research is exactly what I wanted to see. The portrait/stop motion could work really well I think. Perhaps you could start to develop further and see where it takes you.
ReplyDeleteI also love the idea in the video about going against the flow as this would make it more about you. Or a combination of both?