J.K. Rowling is most famously known for the Harry Potter books where by she created seven intertwined complex books depicting a whole new magical parallel world with intricate characters with distinctive personalities and highly descriptive locations and story lines and plots, her mind of which can only be described as 'Genius' by many, including myself.
Her creativity touched many people causing people all over the world of all ages to become enchanted by this magical world she created spurring of films for each of the books and tons of mechanise including things like sweets mentioned in the books such as 'Chocolate Frogs' or 'Berty Botts every flavoured beans'.

Reading this article http://www.showbizspy.com/article/57235/jk-rowling-speaks-out-about-the-depression-that-inspired-her-to-write-harry-potter-books.html really shows how J.K. Rowling was inspired and the processes she went through to write the books
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